The Milei Government has made official the number of Domingo Cavallo’s daughter as ambassador to the Organization of American States

The government has officially este miércoles el nombramiento de Sonia Cavallodaughter of the former Minister of Economy Domingo Cavallo, as eAmbassador to the Organization of American States (OAS).

The appointment became effective pursuant to decree 433/2024, which assumes the role of president Javier Milei and Chancellor Diana Mondino, published in the Boletín Oficial.

The official designation will now be up to the Senate of the Nation, which will have to pay attention to the designation of Cavallo as ambassador.

The Executive Power was appointed at the Ministry of Foreign Relations, International Trade and Religion, according to category “A” “in compliance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Law on the External Service of the Nation No. 20,957”. This rule establishes that the national Government can “exceptionally designate ambassadors and plenipotentiaries to people who, not belonging to the external service of the Nation, pose relevant conditions”.

Born in 1973 in Córdoba, where she is Minister of Convertibility, Sonia graduated in Economics from the University of San Andrés and obtained a Master’s degree in Public Policies from Harvard University. She was one of the founders of the Centro de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad (CIPPEC). She wrote with her father “Historia Económica de la Argentina” published by the editorial El Ateneo.

It is the home of Daniel F. Runde, who occupies a high position in the recognized Centro de Estudios Estratégicos e Internacionales (CSIS) de los Estados Unidos.

The Argentine embajada before the OAS is the most important American body, from which the United States is the strongest, Cavallo Runde will give it a completely different profile from the diplomatic headquarters presided over by the ultra Kirchnerist militant Carlos Raimundi, who received instructions from the Cancellation until to his Cristina Kirchner and Oscar Parrilli.

The daughter of minister Carlos Menem and Fernando de la Rúa will have a mandate until December 10, 2027, since the decree declares that “it will be considered extended for the time that lasts the mandate of the President of the Nation who carried it out”.

“The action that requires compliance with this decree will be attributed to the specific subjects of Jurisdiction 35 – MINISTERIO DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES, COMERCIO INTERNACIONAL Y CULTO”, clarifies the text.

Sonia Cavallo’s official announcement came shortly after her parents’ speech at the IAEF annual conference, where President Milei recommended progress in creating “a free market for the dollar.”

“For the moment Milei has postponed the things said during the election campaign. I’m surprised a free market hasn’t been created for the dollar. This means eliminating the cepo for all monetary and financial transactions and leaving it exclusively for commercial transactions,” said Domingo Cavallo.